Admission Policy

ICS is a Christian school and offers admission without regard to race, religion or nationality.
The school reserves the right to not to grant admission to students it deems may not benefit sufficiently from the academic programs and activities offered.
How applications are considered at ICS
Students will be accepted and admission sustained on the basis of their ability to meet the academic, moral and behavioral standards of the school.
Students must meet the age requirement of their Grade level by September of the current academic year. For High School placement (Grades 9-12), the Guidance Counselor also reviews credits earned from the previous school as a means of assessing suitability for admission into the Grade level.
Students transferring into Grades 1-12 in ICS from other schools will be given a Measure of Academic Progress test (MAP) to determine where they are at academically. It enables the school to understand better how to support the student. These students are also expected to produce their last school Report and Transfer Certificate from their former school. All students from Grades 6-12 must produce a letter of recommendation from their former school. High School students (Grades 9-12) will also be required to produce academic transcripts from Grade 8 up to the Grade into which they are applying for admission.
Special Support Services (SSS)
English as a Second Language (ESL)
- Non-English-Speaking children may be admitted into the Play Group, Preschool, Prekindergarten and Kindergarten with the expectation that within a short period, through their lessons and interactions they would have gained a level of proficiency in the English Language that enables them to benefit maximally from school activities.
- Students to be admitted in Grade 1 and above will be assessed to determine their level of proficiency in English. The school reserves the right to deny admission to those it deems do not have sufficient grasp of the language to cope with their school work.
- The school may offer probationary admission to those with a rudimentary level of proficiency in English, who indicate potential to improve. The school may provide a limited amount of individualized tutoring to such students to help them improve.
- Students with Special Educational Needs are required to provide a recent diagnostic test. The SEN Department can recommend a center where such tests can be taken.
- Diagnostic tests will be reviewed and an interview conducted by the SEN Coordinator with a view to offering a placement in ICS.
- The school may offer probationary admission to those who receive a placement. The school reserves the right to deny admission to those students it deems may not be able to cope with the level and nature of programs and activities offered.
Grade Level and Class Capacities
ICS can accommodate a capacity of three (3) arms for each Grade Level.
The school can accommodate an average of sixteen (16) students in each arm for Playgroup and Preschool, eighteen to twenty (18 – 20) students in each arm for Prekindergarten and Kindergarten and twenty to twenty-four (20 – 24) students in each arm for Grades 1-12.
This policy may be reviewed annually by the Advisory Board and the Board of Directors and adjustments made as deemed necessary.